近未来,科学家们发现太阳急速衰老膨胀,短时间内包括地球在内的整个太阳系都将被太阳所吞没。为了自救,人类提出一个名为“流浪地球”的大胆计划,即倾全球之力在地球表面建造上万座发动机和转向发动机,推动地球离开太阳系,用2500年的时间奔往另外一个栖息之地。中国航天员刘培强(吴京 饰)在儿子刘启四岁那年前往国际空间站,和国际同侪肩负起领航者的重任。转眼刘启(屈楚萧 饰)长大,他带着妹妹朵朵(赵今麦 饰)偷偷跑到地表,偷开外公韩子昂(吴孟达 饰)的运输车,结果不仅遭到逮捕,还遭遇了全球发动机停摆的事件。为了修好发动机,阻止地球坠入木星,全球开始展开饱和式营救,连刘启他们的车也被强征加入。在与时间赛跑的过程中,无数的人前仆后继,奋不顾身,只为延续百代子孙生存的希望,本片根据刘慈欣的同名小说改编。收起


 《Wandering Earth》 introduce

In the near future, scientists have found that the sun is rapidly aging and expanding, and the entire solar system, including the earth, will be swallowed up by the sun in a short time. In order to save themselves, mankind has put forward a bold plan called"wandering Earth", which is to make a global effort to build tens of thousands of engines and steering engines on the earth's surface to push the earth out of the solar system and to another habitat in 2,500 years. Chinese astronaut Liu Peiqiang (Wu Jing) went to the International Space Station when his son Liu Qi was four years old and shouldered the responsibility of being a navigator with his international peers. In the twinkling of an eye, Liu Qi (qu Chuxiao) grew up, and he secretly ran to the surface with his sister Duoduo (Zhao Jinmai) and stole the transport vehicle of his grandfather Han Ziang (Wu Mengda). As a result, he was not only arrested, but also encountered a global engine shutdown. In order to fix the engine and prevent the earth from falling into Jupiter, the world began a saturation rescue, and even Liu Qi's car was forcibly recruited. In the process of racing against time, countless people are desperate to continue the hope of survival for hundreds of generations.This film is based on Liu Cixin's novel of the same name.

 《流浪地球:飛躍2020特別版》 繁體簡介



公元 2019年,由 龚格尔,严东旭,郭帆,叶俊策,杨治学,吴荑,叶濡畅,沈晶晶,刘慈欣 等老师负责剧本编写,郭帆导演负责制作,屈楚萧,吴京,李光洁,吴孟达,赵今麦,隋凯,屈菁菁,张亦驰,杨皓宇,阿尔卡基·沙罗格拉茨基,李虹辰,杨轶,姜志刚,张欢,雷佳音,宁浩,刘慈欣,郭京飞,王智,张子贤,路阳,张宁,张小北,饶晓志,陶珞依,吴晓亮,龚格尔,郭帆 等明星实力参演的 科幻片《流浪地球》,此影片于2019-02-05上映,更多精彩剧情简介详情请点击【立即播放】按钮观赏!恒大影视祝您观影愉快!

恒大影视于 2021-12-01 23:43:39整理收录此片,并在 2024-04-13 07:03:54再次更新完善此片,因本页面是围绕《流浪地球》的影视作品相关介绍页,所以为广大网友服务的相关关键词有:流浪地球流浪地球在线观看流浪地球免费观看流浪地球百度云流浪地球下载 等。
